Andrew Morris undergoes prolotheraphy

The rigorous 2012 training regime is well underway with a focus for Andrew Morris on managing a number of injuries sustained during his last row in 2005.  Andrew has enlisted the help of leading expert Dr Rodger Oldham to regrow the damaged ligaments in his back using a groundbreaking technique, prolotherpay.



Andrew after sustaining serious injury to his back in the 2005 Atlantic rowing race

It might sound strange to think that injuries acquired back in 2005 could still be affecting Andrew on a day to day basis, but many rowers report long term damage. In severe pain due to the immense strain being placed on his back, Andrew was at risk of having to withdraw from the Atlantic Rowing Race. Never one to give up easily, after three days rest, he got back on the oars and went on to complete the race, though is still feeling the effects today. Rowing an ocean is one of the world’s toughest challenges and puts the body under immense stress for a prolonged period. In addition to physical injuries, rowers often suffer from a reduced immune response for some time after their row, making them susceptible to all manner of illnesses.

To help with the old injuries, Andrew is utilising a groundbreaking treatment known as Prolotherapy. Using a mixture of chemicals injected into directly into the ligaments, the damage to his back is being reduced as the ligaments strengthen. It looks painful, but he assures us it isn’t too bad and seems to be working really well. You can see the procedure for yourself in the video clip – but be careful if you’re a bit squeamish!

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