Inland Waterways

OAR team raises over £2000 to buy a new boat for the next generation of ocean rowers and adventurers

When the OAR team first dreamed up the idea to row Bojangles home to the UK, it was clear that this project was to be about much more than their individual challenge. Andrew “Mos” Morris has always been passionate about working with young people, and the motto of the expedition quickly became ‘to inspire the […]

OAR team raises over £2000 to buy a new boat for the next generation of ocean rowers and adventurers Read More »

Amber Foundation supports the OAR through the British Inland Waterways

As Andrew ‘Mos’ Morris gears up for his journey across the UK through the Inland Waterways, it is clear that he wouldn’t get nearly as far without his valued support team. This time, he’s teaming up with the Amber Foundation. Each day, between 3-5 Amber residents aged 17 to 28 years will be coming along to escort Bojangles from Bristol to Pewsey. Their

Amber Foundation supports the OAR through the British Inland Waterways Read More »

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